Tax made simple

Boutique law firm specializing in domestic and international tax

Boutique law firm specializing in domestic and international tax

Business services:

01 International tax and planning

Lexconomy provides comprehensive advice on tax liabilities and other related matters, such as tax strategy, corporate structure, investments and taxation related to international transactions in which our clients are involved or which arise from them.

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02 Real estate investment

LexConomy has real estate tax specialists who provide detailed advice on all necessary services related to tax planning, investment terms and conditions, necessary contractual documentation or tax management, among others.

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03 International mobility

Lexconomy’s objective is to ensure that our clients enjoy a smooth and agile mobility. Our global service covers the processes of expatriation of workers, mobility policies, visas and general advice in the field of mobility, both personal and intra-group mobility, among others.

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04 Trading and contracts law

LexConomy stands out for analysing, negotiating, drafting and reviewing all types of contracts realted to any business activity for the success of your company. Each contract has its own specificities, and only highly specialised lawyers will be able to provide global solutions adapted to each peculiarity.

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Specializing in tax, planning, and international investment.

LexConomy was born in 1995 from the vision of founders and siblings David and Neus Nájar Martínez to provide innovative, modern, effective, reliable and personalized solutions to the financial and legal needs of our clients in an increasingly complex and oftentimes evolving world.

Make the complicated simple.


in figures

Our team


Where we operate







Nájar Martínez


Nájar Martínez

Neús y David Nájar Martínez

Founding partners

With 20 years’ experience including time spent working in the world of the Big Four and the banking sector, David and Neus are happy working outside their comfort zones exploring new areas of activity and finding innovative solutions in an changing world, positioning LexConomy at the cutting edge of national and international financial and tax planning.

Long-standing relationships and the trust and loyalty of our clients allows us to specialize in traditional sectors such as real estate, fresh produce, franchising, and family businesses, but LexConomy also specializes in the future — a proactive vision that has lead us to expand our specializations to include cryptoassets, Best Tax Practices, international mobility, and others.

With our commitment to the core values of our work — excellence, specialization, and discretion— and our carefully selected network of international partners, Lexconomy is ready to respond to all its clients’ fiscal and legal needs and provide effective, personalized, global solutions — solutions which make the complicated simple.

Thank you.

19 December 2022

I would like to thank the whole team at Lexconomy, especially Anabel, Neus, Victoria, Jose and David, for the excellent treatment I received throughout the process of my motorbike accident. The result was fantastic. I recommend it 100%. I recommend them 100%.

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    Rambla de Catalunya, 72, 2º3º
    08007, Barcelona
    +34 934 67 00 46

    Rambla de Catalunya, 72, 2º3º
    08007, Barcelona
    +34 934 67 00 46